Give Roku City an Emmy


The academy needs to abandon their archaic approach to television and make room for a new era of entertainment.

Emmy nominations were announced earlier this month with Last of Us, Succession, Ted Lasso, and The White Lotus sweeping the floor. While Succession garnered 27 nominations, Roku City has been snubbed yet again, despite its profound cultural impact. It is hard to find a viewer today that hasn’t heard of Roku City. An unsung hero of modern television, Roku City has felt like a home to all of us at one point or another.

Roku City is a reflection of the world around us and embodies all aspects of pop culture. With one glance at the city skyline, there’s the Emerald City, Spider-man swinging from the Chrysler Building, Superman‘s the Daily Planet, and Iron Man‘s Stark Tower. Throughout the city there’s references to everything from E.T to Godzilla. Since its inception, Roku City established exemplary foundations to ensure its cultural impact going forward. Through consistent, stylistic cinematography, Roku City has created a universal recongition of its setting like no other piece of modern entertainment.

The setting pays homage to the greats, with the chiaroscuro of German Expressionism and the on-location, long takes of Italian Neorealism. Regarless of its timeless roots, Roku City’s unique gradients and unending cinematic indications of dawn or dusk create a permanent state of nostalgia, as the viewer decides whether the day is ending or just beginning.

This past year, Roku City has truly outdone themselves. Most recently, the popular Grimace Milkshake from McDonalds was all anyone could talk about, in-and-out of Roku City. After Grimace’s birthday passed, McDonald’s moved out and Barbie moved in, preparing for the release of the Barbie movie. It is a strange sensation to see a foreign place feel so familiar and full of familiar things. Roku City perpetually develops its ties to nostalgia each year in a refreshing, innovative way.

Currently, the only notable competitor in Roku City’s category is the infamous fish tank screen, which pales in comparison. The fish tank screen is superficial, meant to occupy the viewer rather than entertain. While the fish tank screen is at best a presentation, Roku City is a dynamic performance.

The Emmy Awards claim to reward outstanding work in television and Roku City is nothing short of extraordinary. There is a universal appreciation for Roku City, as it’s cultural impact can not be underestimated. From memes to marketting influence, Roku City is in everything. And everything is in Roku City.

The impact of Roku City is limitless. Rather than curb our curiosity of what Roku City will do, the audience is empowered to ponder all the things Roku City could do.

Want to know more? Check out these social media posts to see more funny content about Roku City!

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